At the end of 2017, Candeleda was named “Villa Europea del Deporte 2018”, which was awarded by Aces Europe. The award ceremony was held on December the 6 t, 2017 at the European Parliament (Brussels). This ceremony was attended by Ana Guzmán Sánchez as sports technician of Candeleda Town Council; Julián M.G as head of Candeleda Golf Curse; Julián Burgueño Rico as Local Developement manager; David García Núñez as councilor of Youthm Sport and Tourism; and Eugenio M.H.A as the Mayor of Candeleda.

Representative in this event of Candeleda Town Council during the awards in European Parliament (Brussels). From left to right: David García Núñez, Ana Guzmán González, E. Miguel Hernández Alcojor, Julia Burgueño Rico and Daniel Monforte González

Representative in this event of Candeleda Town Council during the awards in European Parliament (Brussels). From left to right: David García Núñez, Ana Guzmán González, E. Miguel Hernández Alcojor, Julia Burgueño Rico and Daniel Monforte González.

This award was in recognition of the work of many people, partnerships and companies that in recent years have worked in order to Foster physical activity and sport in Candeleda. Our candidacy was positively assesed thanks to an approach promoting healthy lifestyle habits, joined to the promotion of sports tourism. During the defence before the evaluation committee, the sports councilor pointed out the following words: Candeleda and El Raso are a huge outdoor sports facility that is used both for citizens who live here, as well as by visitors.”

The figures that sums up the year 2018 in Candeleda and El Raso:

  • More tran 8.000 entrants.
  • 700 volunteers.
  • More tan 100 of sport activities.
  • 34 different disciplines.
  • 43 local activities.
  • 10 activities at the provincial level.
  • 10 activities at the regional level.
  • 6 national events.

Furthermore, in 2018 Candeleda was awarded in another sport event that took place in Gadalajara and which met all the “villas” and “cities” of sport from that year in Spain. In 2018 the only European cities of sport in Spain were Candeleda and Navia (Asturias).

acto reconocimiento europa alcade y concejal candeleda

E. Miguel Hernández Alcojor (Mayor) and David García Núñez (Councillor for Youth, Sport and Tourism) at the ceremony of recognition of all the European "villas" and "cities" of sport 2018. Guadalajara-

Also in our province we were awarded in the “XLV Gala del Deporte Abulense”, in an event held at the “Lienzo Norte (Ávila)” and it was organized by the “Asociación de la Prensa Deportiva.”

E. Miguel Hernández Alcojor (Mayor) and David García Núñez (Councillor for Youth, Sports and Tourism) at the XLV Gala del Deporte Abulense held at the Lienzo Norte (Ávila).


#candeledasemueveIn short, getting the award of “Villa Europea del Deporte 2018” was definitely a bosst to the sport of our people and pne of the stones on which to continue promoting te sporting culture in the future. This award was never seen as a goal, but as another step on the way to instill healthy lifestyle habits in our town, to promote physical-sports practice, to promote sports tourism and to stablish a solid sport culture that will remain over the time. And all this work was continued with the creation, in the same year, of the “#CANDELEDASEMUEVE” program that is still ongoing and hopefully will remain for a long time.




Representatives of the Candeleda Town Council together with the president of “Aces Europe,” Gian Francesco Lupattelli.